Mural by Mixed Hues

Mural by Mixed Hues


Samara (Sam) Barks, also known as Mixed Hues, is a freelance illustrator, muralist, 3D artist, and mentor. Her illustration and fine art styles mix exaggerated realism with a graffiti feel, and her work features people of color, specifically black people, in spaces where they aren't likely to be seen or otherwise represented. Initially, she created Mixed Hues to fill the genuine need to see more black people in two communities she's passionate about, art and roller derby. Since then, it has branched out into so much more and has come to encompass all of her passions. Now she makes art throughout Austin and gets opportunities to create the world she wants to see. If you take a look, you may spot one of her many murals around town.

Mural information:

  • 10' x 10' (100 sq. ft. mural)

  • Residential or Business

  • Redeem by 7/2024 (Installation date dependent on artist's schedule)

  • Spray paint or printed, indoor removable wall vinyl

  • Value: $5000

  • Includes: Design cost, paint/supplies and installation

Donated by Mixed Hues Instagram: @mixed_hues

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